Build a coalition of the organizations and individuals currently supporting the military and defense industry in South Florida. Continue to enlarge the coalition by creating an effective network of military commands, civic groups, academia, private industry, non-profits, government entities and elected officials interested in and able to champion and grow the military and defense industry footprint in South Florida.
Lead and coalesce the voice, support and influence of the 6.2 million residents of South Florida to add to the State’s voice and efforts in order to promote and tell the story of Florida’s military communities. Engage key leaders, elected officials and decision makers to grow the military and defense industry footprint and impact in South Florida.
Strengthen and expand the military and defense industry footprint and impact in South Florida. Accomplish this by galvanizing our coalition, focusing our message, and creating strong and effective relationships and networks at the local, state and federal levels.

1. Create a single unified and consistent voice in South Florida
2. Coalesce community support around our defense community and industries
3. Promote, preserve and enhance our local military missions and installations
4. Attract, retain, expand defense related industry, academic study and research
5. Promote and facilitate compatible community development
6. Advocate for our military commands, service-members and their families to make South Florida more “military friendly”